schole group

A place for high school or gap year students to transition into lifelong learners, in community with others on the same journey.

Meet Tonya

“The question is not, ― how much does the youth know? when he has finished his education ― but how much does he care? and about how many orders of things does he care? In fact, how large is the room in which he finds his feet set? and, therefore, how full is the life he has before him?”

Charlotte Mason
I am a homeschooling mom of three wonderful children. We have been a part of various schools and co-ops over the years, and each has been incredibly helpful, and we have learned so much. Now, with two of my kids already in their high school years, and the third entering it, and each having very distinct post-graduation goals, we’ve needed to create a space that supports learning for diverse students in the same community.

When I chose to homeschool my own children, I took seriously the task of studying education. With a background in software engineering, I knew I had much to learn. Over the years, my research has deepened my understanding of myself, others, God, and the world. Education is far more than “checking boxes,” yet we live in a society where certain boxes must be checked. Exploring different educational philosophies and historical sources on education has been an exciting journey in finding our way forward.

I am also a follower of Jesus, which impacts everything I am and do. I love because he first loved me. High school is often the age where children are exploring faith, or learning to own their own faith, and it brings me great joy to walk with people and point them to the source of everything good and true and beautiful.